RETENTION - Educational Computers for Botswana Schools

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June 19th 2018: Today marks the the launch RETENTION educational Desktops and laptops. These Botswana computers are for schools and students at home. RETENTIONedu comes preinstalled with educational content and offers a dynamic learning experience. RETENTIONedu belongs to a family of RETENTION computers. The brand has three main product suites, the other 2 suites are;

  • RETENTIONlegacy for home and office use running the well known Microsoft Windows, and
  • RETENTIONclassic which is an open source alternative to Microsoft Windows running Linux Mint

RETENTIONedu comes pre-packaged with educational content for Pre-school, Reception Classes, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary students. The educational material is a combination of visual, audio, interactive, practicals and teaching aids that assist students in learning. For example, RETENTIONedu for Primary is tailored for students in primary school and teaches them step by step from elementary skills such as keyboard and mouse, alphabets, spelling, counting and reading to Mathematics, English, Art, Music and higher cognitive and logicial problems and puzzles.

For secondary level students, RETENTIONedu facilitates learning for subjects from Geography, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Studies, logic, strategic thinking and others, .

The most advanced suite, RETENTIONedu for Tertiary engages students with programs such as vector based diagram designer, funtion plotters, programming and animation tools, simulators, design and publishing and others.

RETENTIONedu also has an ebook library manager to manage students material. These computers have brought to a new level the contribution of ICT in Education.

"All my 3 kids have something they love in the computer. They just can’t have enough of it. The content is adjustable to their different levels. It has made learning so much fun for them. I no longer have to teach the computer teaches." said Mr. Moagi Chale a parent at Gaborone Block 9.

Moagi Chale's Kids

Although RETENTIONedu is ideal for self learning or as an aid to fast-track students absorption of academic concepts, it is also very useful for teachers and parents. The practice programs, spreadsheet, database, presentation, wordprocessing, email client, internet and printing capability presents other useful tools for teachers and parents.

RETENTIONedu brings to live some of the aspirations of Botswana National ICT Policy commonly kwown as Maitlamo. In particular it provides content for Thuto net, a pillar of maitlamo that broadly addresses the need for infusion of ICT in learning

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